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Name: China National Xiamen Instrument
And Meter Co., Ltd.
Address: 2/F., 87 Hu Bin Zhong
Lu Road, Xiamen 361004, China
Old Address before January 2004: 4 Dong Men Road, Xiamen 361003, China
Time Established:
March, 1981
Established in March 1981, this company, the former China
National Xiamen Instrument And Meter Corporation, is a
state-owned jointly organized foreign trade business by a dozen
of major instruments and meters manufacturere in mainland China,
headed by the former Instrumentation Division of the then
Ministry Of No. 1 Mechanisms, now the Ministry of
Mechanical Industry as a window for the export of
China's mechnical, expecially the instrumentation products. Our main business activity includes export of Scientific Products, Laboratory Instruments, Meters,
Testers, and OEM, ODM. We have been active in the famous
Canton Fair ever since 1981 and played an important roll in
the introduction of Chinese mechanical products,
especially instruments to the world market.
Revenue in the year of 2003 is 8 million worth of US Dollars.
The company is located in the city of Xiamen,
Fujian Province in South China, facing the south end of the Taiwan
Straight, with convenient transportation infrastructure thanks to the
Xiamen International Airport and Xiamen International Seaport.
Daliy flights are available to most inland cities such as Hong Kong,
Shanghai, Beijing and to several foreign cities as well. Famous
couries companies such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, EMS all have service
terminals here.
Our bank is The Bank Of China as below:
Bank Of China, Xiamen Branch , address: BOC Bldg., North Hubin Road,
Xiamen, Fujian, China
Tel: 86-592-5066414, Fax: 86-592-5041125, Telex: 923012 XMBOC CN
Account Number: 40000050508093001
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E-mail: cxim@public.xm.fj.cnกก